Take a look at everything we offer to help you feel your best. At Pheonix Wellness, you’ll get one-on-one care that’s all about what you need. No hidden costs, no sneaky membership fees—just clear pricing. Plus, our dedicated provider remains readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Personalized Weightloss Plans

Our personalized weight loss plans are all about you and your goals. We’ll take a deep dive into your health and come up with a custom plan that fits your lifestyle, diet, and exercise needs. It’s all about making it doable and sustainable, so you feel confident taking charge of your health and hitting those long-term goals.

  • Individual assessment
  • Sustainable strategies with nutrition and fitness
  • Many medication options-lipo+, B12, and multiple other wellness inj.

Urgent care/sick visits/telehealth

At PHEONIX WELLNESS, we make it super easy for you to book an appointment—walk-ins, same-day slots, weekends, or even after hours, whatever works best for you. Whether you're dealing with a cold, flu, cough, sore throat, cuts, scrapes, earaches, headaches, migraines, infections (like UTIs or pink eye), need a quick refill, or have arthritis pain, we’ve got your back.

Physical exams

We also offer many different physical exams. 

  • Sports physicals
  • Dot physical
  • Employment physical

Schedule now!

Weight loss $35.00


weight loss medication options

nutrition and fitness plans

B12 shot


Urgent care/Sick visit $50.00

Steroid injections                      +$5

Antibiotic injections                   +$5

Tordol(pain) injections               +$5

B12/methylcobalamine             +$5

Rapid Testing                            +$10

Dot Physical $75.00

Sports/Employment Physical $25.00